Professional commitment among Secondary School teachers of Bhutan: An exploratory study


  • Dorji N Ministry of Education
  • Sonam Wangchuk Ministry of Education


professional commitment, society, learners, profession, excellence, human values


The study was conducted to investigate the professional commitment of teachers of secondary school teachers in Bhutan on the five dimensions: commitment to the learners, commitment to the society, commitment to the profession, commitment to achieve excellence and commitment to basic human values. For this, 308 teachers, consisting of equal numbers of male and female (104 each) working in Secondary Schools of two Dzongkhag of Sarpang and Zhemgang. The Descriptive survey method was employed for the present investigation and the result reveals that in all the dimensions there is high distribution of scores in average commitment which is alarming. The distribution is negligible in other categories. Thus, it is an indication that the teachers of Bhutan show positive commitment towards their profession which is necessary for the development of the individual and school as a whole. Growth in profession does take place when the teachers are not committed to learners, society, do not exhibit love for profession, and not work to achieve excellence and basic human values. All these five dimensions generate excellent teacher who are much inspired and exemplary to other fellow mate.

Author Biographies

Dorji N, Ministry of Education

Dorji N is currently working as a teacher in Zhemgang Lower Secondary School, Zhemgang. He received his PTC (Primary Teaching Certificate) in 2000 from PCE and Bachelor of Education from the same college in 2017. He completed M.Ed from Lovely Professional University, Punjab, India, in 2020 through self-funding. He has published numerous paper in Indian UGC approved journals, few in International Journals and also presented papers in both International and Indian National seminar while perusing his Master’s degree in India.

Sonam Wangchuk, Ministry of Education

Sonam Wangchuk is currently working as Principal in Zhemgang Lower Secondary School. He received his Bachelors of Education in 2005 and completed M.Ed in Leaderships & Management in 2018 from Paro College of Education, Royal University of Bhutan. He has also attended Young Professional Leadership
Program (YPLP) III from Royal Institute for Governance and Strategic Studies, Phuntsholing in 2016. Mr. Sonam is a passionate educationist and a learner. He is keenly delving into research projects for the better performance of his services to his country.




How to Cite

N, D. ., & Wangchuk, S. . (2021). Professional commitment among Secondary School teachers of Bhutan: An exploratory study . Bhutan Journal of Research and Development, 10(1). Retrieved from