Creating an Enabling Research Culture at the Royal University of Bhutan- An Analysis


  • Dr Phanchung Department of Research and External Relations, Royal University of Bhutan
  • Tshering Choden Department of Research and External Relations, Royal University of Bhutan


Key Words: research leadership, research mind-set, research institutions


The Royal University of Bhutan having evolved from a traditional teaching-learning institution is challenged in changing the mind-set and working practices of its academics when it involves research, innovation, and the use of knowledge. This paper looks at the initiatives pursued by the University in contributing to enhanced research culture through desktop research. Evidences indicate that support mechanisms like institutions, policies and guidelines, quality staff development, capacity building initiatives, international relations, and quality curriculum are the driving forces to improve research culture within the University. The University has made a breakthrough in changing the mind-set and working practices of its academics by engaging in research activities in a predominantly undergraduate teaching-learning University. The paper also discusses opportunities and challenges of enhancing research and innovations in the University.

Author Biographies

Dr Phanchung, Department of Research and External Relations, Royal University of Bhutan

Phanchung is the Director of Department of Research and External Relations, RoyalUniversity of Bhutan (RUB). He served in different positions as Veterinary Officer and Principal of Royal Veterinary Institute; Zonal Animal Husbandry Officer of Zone IV; Regional Veterinary Officer of Regional Laboratory in Eastern Bhutan; Animal Health Officer of the Department of Animal Husbandry; Head of Animal Husbandry Faculty and Principal of Natural Resources Training Institute; and as Dean and Assistant Professor of College of Natural Resources, Manager of Programmes, Teaching and Learning under Department of Academic Affairs. He has B.V.Sc. & A.H. degree from India, MSc from UK and PhD from Australia. He has published papers in journals and written several reports. He is interested in policy research.

Tshering Choden, Department of Research and External Relations, Royal University of Bhutan

Tshering Choden is the Chief of External Relations in the Department of Research and External Relations, Royal University of Bhutan (RUB). She taught at Sherubtse College, one of the constituent colleges under RUB before joining the present office. She pursued MSocSci (Hons) at the University of Newcastle, Australia




How to Cite

Phanchung, D., & Choden, T. . (2021). Creating an Enabling Research Culture at the Royal University of Bhutan- An Analysis. Bhutan Journal of Research and Development, 8(2). Retrieved from